Customising the Account Suspension template in WHM

Krystals' reseller service is white labelled. This means we won't email things like account suspension notices to your clients - you will receive them for any cPanel accounts in your reseller plan.

What this means is that if one of your clients cPanel accounts gets suspended for malware they will not have had any communication from us. If you haven't contacted them, the first they know will likely be when they see the white-label Account Suspended screen when visiting their website.

This screen is white-labelled by default - but you do have the option to edit the contents - and we recommend that you do - to include your branding and contact details.

  1. Login to WHM
  2. From the Account Functions menu select Web Template Editor.
  3. Here you can edit the HTML to include your own branding and contact details to enable clients to get in touch with you to resolve the situation.

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