Setting an account security question

We take the privacy of you and your data seriously, so it's important for us to be able to verify who we are speaking to when you contact us on live chat or the telephone.

When you make your initial purchase or if you create an account before purchasing we will ask you to set up a security question and answer during the process.

If you are an existing client and you haven't set your security question, we will ask you to do so if you contact us.

  1. You can set this up by selecting Security Settings from your profile drop-down menu
  2. and then clicking the Set security question button.
  3. Please pick a question from the list provided, type your answer and click Save Security Question.

You can delete your security question/answer and set a new one at any time by returning to this page.

You'll also notice on the same page that you can set-up Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) which can further secure your account. This is not mandatory but is highly recommended. We have a separate guide on setting up Two-Factor Authentication on your Krystal Client Account login.

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