Can Krystal design or modify my website for me?
Do we design websites?
In short, no.
This is for two very good reasons:
First and foremost, we are a web hosting company, so our primary focus is on delivering high quality, secure and reliable services on which to host your website and as such our staff are highly proficient in server management, Therefore, we do not get involved in designing websites for our customers - it's just not what we do best!
Secondly, the vast majority of our customers are web designers, or already have their own web designer, so we really don't want to compete with them!
But I just need a small change to one of my pages:
We will attempt to correct simple misconfigurations or remove content which is illegal from your site, but you must be responsible for your own website content.
Under exceptional circumstances we may agree to carry out more extensive work that is required to get your website working (not to redesign it) if it was transferred in from another host, but this may incur a nominal charge which must be agreed before work can commence.
Depending on our workload we may decline to carry out any such work, in which case you should seek the help of a local web developer.
How can I edit my website myself?
However, we do provide various tools to make it easier for you to build your own website including an automated Website Builder, and automated web application installer - Softaculous built into every cPanel account.