How to Update WordPress URLs

When changing your WordPress site's domain name or moving it from a staging site to production, updating URLs is essential to ensure all links and resources point to the correct location. Here are two methods you can use: one with a plugin and one using WP-CLI for command-line users.

Option 1: Using the Better Search Replace Plugin

  1. Install the Plugin
    • In your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New.
    • Search for Better Search Replace. (Manual Install Link)
    • Install and activate the plugin.
  2. Run a Search and Replace
    • After activation, go to Tools > Better Search Replace.
    • In the Search for field, enter your old URL (e.g.,
    • In the Replace with field, enter the new URL (e.g.,
    • Select the database tables to update (typically all tables).
    • Dry run first to check how many fields will be changed without making actual modifications.
    • If the results look good, uncheck the "Dry Run" box and click "Run Search/Replace."
  3. Clear Cache
    • After completing the replacement, clear any cache (both on your website and server) to ensure changes reflect immediately.

Option 2: Using WP-CLI Command via cPanel Terminal (SSH)

If your package includes SSH, you can use the cPanel Terminal to access SSH and run WP-CLI commands.

  1. Enable SSH in cPanel:
    • Login to your cPanel dashboard.
    • Look for the Terminal option under the Advanced section.
    • If it's your first time using the Terminal, click "Proceed" to activate it.
  2. Access Your WordPress Directory:
    • Once the terminal is open, navigate to your WordPress root directory (usually /public_html/) by entering:
    cd public_html
  3. Run the URL Update Command:
    • Use the following WP-CLI command to update URLs across your WordPress database, this will replace all occurrences of your old URL with the new one in every table of your database:
    wp search-replace '' '' --all-tables     
  4. Preview Changes (Dry Run):
    • If you want to preview the changes before making them, use the dry run option:
    wp search-replace '' '' --dry-run
    • This will show you how many changes will be made without modifying the database.
  5. Clear Cache:
    • After running the command, clear your website cache (if any) to ensure the changes take effect immediately.

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