Hosting or streaming video

It's becoming more common to include videos on websites - for testimonials or to promote content etc.

Krystal doesn't permit the hosting or streaming of video from any of our Cloud, Premium or Business packages.

But don't despair - there is a solution. You can host your video or live stream on a platform like YouTube or Vimeo (and others) and embed the content into your web page.

If you need to host or stream video directly from your site - or offer video downloads then we do allow this on our VPS or Dedicated server packages (subject to Terms & Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy).

Most modern Content Management Systems - including Drupal, Joomla and WordPress either have video embedding built-in or available via a plugin or module - and you may find this an easier way to include videos on your site.

We've included instructions below for obtaining the embed code from YouTube and Vimeo for manual inclusion.

Getting video embed code from YouTube

  1. Navigate on YouTube to the video you'd like to embed.
  2. Beneath the video you'll see a Share option - click it.
  3. In the window that appears click the Embed icon.
  4. You'll now see the iframe code that you can copy & paste in to your site.
    There are additional options you can select below the embed code. You can also add or remove options from the embed code. The following YouTube guide covers some of these options (external link opens in a new window).

Getting video embed code from Vimeo

  1. Navigate on Vimeo to the video you'd like to embed.
  2. Beneath the video you'll see a Share option - click it.
  3. Copy the embed code and paste this in to your site.
    Clicking +Show options just above the embed code will show additional options that can be selected as required.

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