Creating a new cPanel account within WHM

Before you can add any domains, or create a new account please ensure you've followed our Initial WHM configuration guides. If you haven't completed these steps, please do so now and then return to this guide to add a cPanel account.

If you have fully integrated WHMCS with your Krystal Reseller Hosting WHM then the process of creating and terminating accounts will usually be completed through WHMCS when you add a new client account (or they sign-up through your WHMCS front-end website and you have automated provisioning enabled), or you terminate a client in WHMCS. It is still useful to understand the process of creating and terminating cPanel account using WHM.

Each cPanel account is created on an initial domain. It's important to think about what you'll be hosting and how you might want to configure this prior to creating your new account.

For example, you might want to have a brochure site running at - but you also want to provide access for your clients to your WHMCS billing system. You have a couple of options:

  • create one cPanel account for and then add a sub-domain for
  • create two separate cPanel accounts, one for and one for

Be aware that hosting multiple sites inside one cPanel account may mean you need to alter .htaccess files to ensure rewrites are handled correctly e.g. if you are using WordPress for your brochure site alongside WHMCS in a subdomain. Whereas using separate cPanel accounts will avoid any interference.

Create a new cPanel account

WHM >> Account Functions >> Create a new account

  1. Within WHM, under Account Functions, click Create a New Account
  2. Enter the domain (or sub-domain) for the account you would like to create. In this example, we will be using the domain
    The Username will be auto-created from the domain - but you can change it at this point if required.
    Enter and Re-type a password for the new cPanel account - you can use the Password Generator to create a unique password that meets the systems minimum password strength. Be sure to make a note of the password.
    Enter an email address where details of the new account creation will be emailed.
  3. Choose a package - from those you previously created.
    Unless you specifically need to change any of the settings for this account leave them as they are - they are defined in the Package you selected and can be altered there for all accounts.
  4. The remaining options will usually be left at their defaults. Click the Create button and the process to create the new cPanel account will complete. Be sure to print, or make a note of the details on the confirmation page - they will also be contained in the email sent to the address you specified in Step 2.

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