How to switch from Composer Version 1 to Version 2

This guide applies to all users who have an active hosting service with a signup date on or before the following date: 06/10/2021

To ensure we are able to provide support for the latest websites, we recently updated Composer to Version 2. To avoid any disruption to existing users making use of Composer Version 1, we've implemented a change to all accounts to force Composer to be loaded from a custom location which allows us to provide both versions of Composer on each system.

If you wish to move from Composer V1 over to V2, you will need to use SSH to run the following command:

sed -i '/alias composer=\/opt\/krystal\/composer1/d' .bashrc

This will remove the composer entry we have added into each account and will revert your user to the default version available on the server which is Version 2. It is important to note you will need to restart your SSH session to access the new version of composer.

If you've not enabled SSH, you can do so by following this guide.

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