Submitting and receiving sensitive data in a support ticket
What is sensitive data and why is it used?
There are likely to be occasions we will need to exchange sensitive data with you. We may ask you to send us some login details - or we may need to send you an updated password for example. In these cases we will request that you send these via the "Sensitive data" portion of the ticket submission/reply form.
The data that is sent via the sensitive data section is end to end encrypted and is removed after the ticket has been closed.
Sending sensitive data to the support team:
Opening a new ticket
When you open a new ticket, you'll see a Sensitive Data area towards the bottom - please ensure any sensitive data you need to send us is entered here.

Replying to an existing ticket
Once a ticket is open you can supply additional sensitive data by clicking the Add Sensitive Data button

From here you can submit the sensitive data you need.

Please ensure you respond to your ticket once the data has been added to let the support staff know!
Receiving sensitive data from Krystal
If we need to send you sensitive data you can access it via the View or Edit Sensitive Data button while viewing the ticket.

Here you can see the data that has been added by the support team